Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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Research Activities

The Effectiveness of Telehealth Gait Retraining in Addition to Standard Physical Therapy Treatment for Overuse Knee Injuries in Soldiers: A Randomized Clinical Trial — MHSRS 2021

Crowell M, Brindle R, Mason J, Pitt W, Miller E, Ford K, Peel S, Goss D

Abstract submitted to Military Health System Research Symposium 2021

Each year, approximately half of all military personnel sustain a musculoskeletal injury. The majority of injuries can be classified as overuse injuries, with half of those due to exercise. Running is the most frequently reported injury producing activity and the knee is one of most injured joints. During running, a non-rearfoot strike pattern reduces loading rates and knee joint work. Thus, a gait retraining intervention to alter foot strike pattern for patients with a rearfoot strike pattern during running may improve rehabilitation outcomes for patients with overuse knee injuries. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to determine the effects of a telehealth gait retraining intervention on self-reported pain and function in patients with an overuse knee injury. We hypothesized that patients who underwent the telehealth intervention along with standard treatment would report greater improvements in pain intensity, condition, function, and running ability compared to patients who received only standard physical therapy treatment.