Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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The Impact of Entry Variables on the Transition Pathway for Soldiers Enrolled in Army Recovery Care Program — MHSRS 2021

Dintaman J, Ebert M, Sorensen I, Hisle-Gorman E

Abstract submitted to Military Health System Research Symposium 2021.

The Army Recovery Care Program (ARCP), originally the Warrior Transition Program, was created in 2007 to assist in the care, recovery, and transition of Army soldiers who required case management due to complex medical conditions or injuries. Initially, the ARCP consisted primarily of wounded or injured individuals evacuated from the wars in the Middle East but gradually grew to include soldiers with non-combat related conditions requiring prolonged and multidisciplinary care. Stabilized and recovered members of the ARCP eventually transition back to the force or are medically retired if their clinical condition prohibits further military service. A limited number of participants succumb to their injury or illness or are administratively separated from the program due to non-compliance. The early ability to identify the most appropriate transition pathway for program participants is important to ensuring program resources are directed efficiently and effectively. Whether there is a relationship between the conditions prompting entry into the ARCP and the subsequent transition pathway for soldiers is unknown.