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Changes in Pain Medicine Training Programs Associated With COVID-19: Survey Results — Anesthesia & Analgesia

Kohan L, Durbhakula S, Zaidi M, Phillips CR, Rowan CC, Brenner GJ, Cohen SP

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a public health crisis of unprecedented proportions that has altered the practice of medicine. The pandemic has required pain clinics to transition from in-person visits to telemedicine, postpone procedures, and cancel face-to-face educational sessions. There are no data on how fellowship programs have adapted. A 17-question survey was developed covering topics including changes in education, clinical care, and psychological stress due to the COVID pandemic. Results showed a shift to online alternatives for clinical care and education, with correlations between per capita infection rates, and clinical care demands and redeployment, but not with overall trainee anxiety levels. It is likely that medicine in general, and pain medicine in particular, will change after COVID-19, with greater emphasis on telemedicine, virtual education, and greater national and international cooperation. Physicians should be prepared for these changes.

Kohan, L., Durbhakula, S., Zaidi, M., Phillips, C., Rowan, C., Brenner, G., & Cohen, S. (2021). Changes in Pain Medicine Training Programs Associated With COVID-19: Survey Results. Anesthesia & Analgesia. https://doi.org/10.1213/ANE.0000000000005314