Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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Research Activities

Pain Catastrophizing Predicts Opioid and Health-Care Utilization After Orthopaedic Surgery: Secondary Analysis of Trial Participants with Spine and Lower-Extremity Disorders — Journal B&J Surgery

Rhon D, Greenlee T, Carreño P, Patzkowski J, and Highland K

Most individuals undergoing elective surgery expect to discontinue opioid use after surgery, but many do not. Modifiable risk factors including psychosocial factors are associated with poor postsurgical outcomes. We wanted to know whether pain catastrophizing is specifically associated with postsurgical opioid and health-care use.

Rhon, D. I., Greenlee, T. A., Carreño, P. K., Patzkowski, J. C., & Highland, K. B. (2022). Pain Catastrophizing Predicts Opioid and Health-Care Utilization After Orthopaedic Surgery A Secondary Analysis of Trial Participants with Spine and Lower-Extremity Disorders. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. https://doi.org/10.2106/JBJS.22.00177