Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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The Influence of Therapeutic Exercise after Ankle Sprain on the Incidence of Subsequent Knee, Hip, and Lumbar Spine Injury — Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Foster K, Greenlee T, Fraser J, Young J, Rhon D

Investigate the burden of knee, hip, and lumbar spine disorders occurring in the year following an ankle sprain and the influence therapeutic exercise (TE) has on this burden. 33,361 individuals diagnosed with ankle sprain in the Military Health System between 2010 and 2011 were followed for 1 year. Prevalence of knee, hip, and lumbar care-seeking injuries sustained after sprain was identified. Relationships between demographic groups, ankle sprain type, and use of TE with rate of proximal injuries were evaluated using Cox Proportional Hazard Models to determine Hazard Rate effect modification by attribute. Observed impact of TE for ankle sprain on rate of injury to proximal joints was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier survival analyses.

Foster, K. S., Greenlee, T. A., Fraser, J. J., Young, J. L., & Rhon, D. I. (2022). The Influence of Therapeutic Exercise after Ankle Sprain on the Incidence of Subsequent Knee, Hip, and Lumbar Spine Injury. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0000000000003035