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Can a Psychologic Profile Predict Successful Return to Full Duty After a Musculoskeletal Injury? - CORR

greenlee t, bullock g, teyhen d, rhon d

Psychologic variables have been shown to have a strong relationship with recovery from injury and return to work or sports. The extent to which psychologic variables predict successful return to work in military settings is unknown.

Psychologic variables alone were unable to adequately predict who would have a subsequent injury after an initial musculoskeletal injury. This study does not minimize the value of assessing psychologic profiles of injured athletes, but rather suggests that models looking to identify injury risk should consider a multifactorial approach that also includes other nonpsychologic factors such as injury history. These findings do, however, pro- voke curiosity surrounding which outcomes best capture relevant psychologic constructs and which assessment timepoints or change scores could be the most informative.

Greenlee, Tina A. PhD1; Bullock, Garrett PT, DPT, DPhil2; Teyhen, Deydre S. PT, PhD3; Rhon, Daniel I. PT, DSc, PhD1,4. Can a Psychologic Profile Predict Successful Return to Full Duty After a Musculoskeletal Injury?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 482(4):p 617-629, April 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002935