Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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Research Activities

What is the Incidence of Subsequent Adjacent Joint Injury After Patellofemoral Pain? — Clinical Rehabilitation

Young JL, Sell TC, Boeth R, Foster K, Greenlee TA, Rhon DI

This retrospective cohort study was designed to investigate the incidence of subsequent lumbar spine, hip, and ankle-foot injuries after a diagnosis of patellofemoral pain. The results suggest that a high number of individuals with patellofemoral pain will sustain an adjacent joint injury within 2 years although causal relationships cannot be determined. Receiving therapeutic exercise for the initial knee injury reduced the risk of sustaining an adjacent joint injury. This study helps provide normative data for subsequent injury rates in this population and guide development of future studies designed to understand causal factors.

Young, J. L., Sell, T. C., Boeth, R., Foster, K., Greenlee, T. A., & Rhon, D. I. (2023). What is the Incidence of Subsequent Adjacent Joint Injury After Patellofemoral Pain? Clinical Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1177/02692155231157177