Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

Scholarly Activities

Research Activities

Photobiomodulation Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis: A Single-blind Randomized Control Trial — MHSRS 2023

Cin H, Mincey C, Persinger J, Hager N, Yimyam C, Metzger E, Isaacson B, Wagner L, Pasquina P

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Physical activity limiting conditions are incompatible with maintaining a fit and ready fighting force and improving the health and wellness of those entrusted to our care. This study may produce new scientific knowledge about optimal dosing parameters of PBMT to best reduce pain and improve function for those who are limited by PF. This innovative therapy has the potential to promote a fit and ready fighting force by returning service members to duty quickly, reducing health care costs, and promoting operational readiness. The long-term goals of this research team include: 1) developing PBMT protocols for broad application to other painful and duty-limiting conditions, and 2) exploring the application of this portable device in forward-deployed environments.