Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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Posts in Trainings
Lipogems® System

Six MIRROR-affiliated physicians were trained on the Lipogems® system in sessions conducted at Uniformed Services University and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital.

The Lipogems® system is a sterile single-use medical device intended for the closed-loop processing and transferring of autologous adipose tissue in a single surgical step. MIRROR Project #11 utilizes this technology to determine the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive (percutaneous) intrameniscal injection with autologous, micro-fragmented adipose tissue under ultrasound guidance for symptomatic meniscal injuries.

TrainingsMIRROR Team
Carpal Tunnel Release with Ultrasound Guidance

Two physicians and several members of the research support team were trained on procedures for the SX-One MicroKnife® with ultrasound guidance for carpal tunnel release.

In support of MIRROR Project #10, “Clinical Outcomes of Carpal Tunnel Release With and Without Ultrasound Guidance,” this training was the second-to-last in the series leading up to the beginning of study activities.

TrainingsMIRROR Team
Battlefield Acupuncture

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This MIRROR-sponsored event at West Point trained 5 Sports Physical Therapy Fellows and 4 Physician Assistant Students in the Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) technique that will be utilized within our Research Project #13. The training lays the groundwork for further sessions to certify BFA instructors within the MHS.

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Standardizing Post-Operative Rehabilitation Protocols for the Tri-Service

More than 50 military leaders, clinicians, scientists and subject-matter experts within the physical therapy, orthopaedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and pain management fields converged for the first time for an all-day consensus meeting to help advance service member care and identify best practices within the Army, Navy and Air Force.
The meeting was hosted by the Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation Research for Operational Readiness (MIRROR) program in the Uniformed Services University’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Geneva Foundation and the Broussard Family Trust, to validate and endorse existing or commonly agreed upon postoperative physical therapy (PT) guidelines to be shared through the Military Health System and Defense Health Agency.  In addition, the group met to identify research gaps in the area of optimizing postoperative PT guidelines to design, fund, and/or execute future relevant research studies in this field.
Participants came from across the country for the consensus meeting, which resulted in the standardization and approval of 13 protocols for hip, knee, ankle and shoulder injuries.


TrainingsGuest User