Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care

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Posts in Abstracts
Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: A Randomized Clinical Trial- APTA CSM 2024

Carreno L, Miller E, Goss D, Mason J, Pitt W, Crowell M

Abstract accepted as a platform presentation for the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries sustained in the military, resulting in lost time from duty and persistent disability. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a novel intervention used to rehabilitate athletic injuries and improve sports performance and may contribute to improved outcomes following ankle sprains. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of tDCS in addition to standard rehabilitation compared to standard rehabilitation alone on pain, self-reported function, strength, functional performance, and postural stability following acute inversion ankle sprain.

Future studies may consider investigating tDCS targeted to patients more likely to demonstrate changes in cortical excitability or neuroplasticity in addition to whether the application of tDCS following acute ankle sprain reduces the likelihood of developing chronic ankle instability.Future studies may consider investigating tDCS targeted to patients more likely to demonstrate changes in cortical excitability or neuroplasticity in addition to whether the application of tDCS following acute ankle sprain reduces the likelihood of developing chronic ankle instability.

Pre-Injury Risk Association with Static Balance Symmetry in an Active-Duty Military Population- APTA CSM 2024

Goss D, Gaunaurd I, Helton M, Applegate B, Bennett C, Haltiwanger H, Reilly N, Gonnella M, Black J, Deol G, Garr E, Thompson C, Gailey R

Abstract accepted as a platform presentation for the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

The Region of Limb Stability (ROLS) quantifies static lower limb (LL) balance and stability by assessing segmental excursion during single limb stance (SLS). Previous research has established that the ROLS metric predicts LL musculoskeletal (MSK) injury occurrence in Division I Collegiate Athletes. Lower Limb injuries are a prevalent reason for Soldiers seeking medical care; therefore, predicting injuries has large implications on readiness. ROLS can be used as screening tool for identifying at-risk SMs who may require additional physical therapy assessment and/or pre-injury/prehab interventions to reduce the risk of MSK injury. The purpose of this study is to characterize ROLS in Active Duty SMs.

Nearly 30% of the SMs tested were at a high risk for LL MSK injury during baseline screening. Those at highest risk included Non-Commissioned Officers (E5-E9 rank). These findings suggest that ROLS can be used as a screening assessment tool to identify individuals at risk for LL MSK injuries and proactively intervene with further assessment and/or the implementation a pre-injury/prehab intervention. Further research is warranted to determine the effectiveness of ROLS SI as a routine tool for the reduction of injuries in Active Duty SMs.

A Wearable Sensor System to Quantify Agility Symmetry in an Active-Duty Military Population- APTA CSM 2024

Ignacio Alejandro Gaunaurd I, Helton M, Goss D, Applegate B, Bennett C, Gonnella M, Haltiwanger H, Reilly N, DeMichele S, Linowes S, Hunt A, Troiano M, Besowshek A, Gailey R

Abstract accepted as a platform presentation for the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

Service Members (SMs) are at risk for musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries, especially injuries that affect the lower limbs (LL) and the ability to perform their duties. Therefore a screening measure designed to determine risk for LL MSK injuries would be meaningful. Recently, wireless sensors have been used to measure joint kinematics with the purpose of assessing performance and by extension quantifying risk of injury. Unique metrics derived from novel algorithms, such as the Transitional Angular Displacement of Segment (TADS), have been validated to assess dynamic balance, lower limb stability, and agility during the four-meter sidestep test (FmSST) in Collegiate Athletes. The purpose of this study is to characterize TADS in Active Duty SMs.

Eight percent of the SMs tested are at a high risk for LL MSK injury based on TADS screening. This is a considerable number of SMs who potentially could be injured resulting in limited duty, increased health costs or not achieving career goals.

U.S. Army Holistic Health And Fitness (H2f) Programs Outperform Traditional Physical Therapy Models For Soldiers- APTA CSM 2024

Whitehurst r, Romanello a, Davis s, Reilly n, Goss d

Abstract accepted for the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

By the nature of their work, Soldiers are regularly subjected to vigorous physical activity and corresponding increases in musculoskeletal injury risk1,2. Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) is an interdisciplinary approach developed for the implementation of multidimensional care and attainment of optimal performance within the U.S. Army. Specifically, H2F was developed to enhance physical, mental, spiritual, nutritional and sleep readiness for Soldiers in contrast to reactive management of injury-induced symptomology observed in many hospital settings3. This study examined the clinical outcomes and corresponding efficacy of the H2F program in comparison to standards of practice currently in place across the U.S. Military Health System.

The H2F program saw more expedient treatment operations for Soldiers with musculoskeletal injury and observed significantly improved clinical outcomes compared to standard practices conducted at major hospitals.

Physical Therapist Awareness of Diagnostic Imaging Referral Jurisdictional Scope of Practice: An Observational Study- APTA CSM 2024

Mabry L, Ross M, Reilly N, Young B, Keil A, Gisselman A, Davenport T, Goss D

Abstract accepted as a platform presentation for the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

The purpose of this study was to examine physical therapist awareness and utilization of diagnostic imaging referral privileges. A secondary purpose was to determine if self-reported direct access frequency impacted diagnostic imaging referral or utilization of diagnostic imaging skills.

 There is a general lack of awareness of imaging privileges among physical therapists which appears to be influenced by level of jurisdictional scope. Awareness of imaging privileges significantly impacts its likelihood of incorporation into practice. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) should consider working with state boards to raise imaging privilege awareness potentially via integration into a jurisprudence exam. Additionally, this study further links diagnostic imaging referral as an essential tool for direct access. This further supports expansion of physical therapist diagnostic imaging referral to all 50 states consistent with direct access authority.

Gene Expression Analysis Reveals Differences in the Capsular Tissue of Patients with Anterior and Posterior Shoulder Instability - AAOS 2024

Galvin J, egan a, Rooney P, Grassbaugh J, Masini B, Free K, Bastian M, Gillette L, Colburn Z

Abstract accepted for the 2024 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting

Little is known about the pathobiology of unidirectional anterior and posterior shoulder instability. The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the peripheral blood and capsular tissue of young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability and those patients with unidirectional posterior shoulder instability.

There are significant gene expression differences in the shoulder capsule of anterior and posterior shoulder instability patients. This transcriptomic data may provide an improved understanding of the pathobiology of various forms of shoulder instability which could lead to future precision medicine approaches.

Transcriptomics of Anterior Shoulder Instability: Differences in Gene Expression in the Blood of Patients with and without Significant Glenoid Bone Loss - AAOS 2024

Galvin J, Rooney P, Tokish J, Grassbaugh J, Masini B, Free K, Bastian M, Gillette L, Colburn Z

Abstract accepted for the 2024 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting

Currently the measurement of serum or synovial biomarkers does not have a role in diagnosis or monitoring of injury severity in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the peripheral blood and tissue of young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability with and without significant glenoid bone loss (GBL). Additionally, we sought to determine a peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker for the reliable delineation of the severity of GBL in anterior shoulder instability patients.

There are significant gene expression differences in the peripheral blood of anterior shoulder instability patients with and without significant (≥10%) GBL. The differential expression of 5 genes allowed development of an accurate predictive model and transcriptomic classifier to predict the severity of GBL. This novel peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker may assist in tracking glenoid bone loss and injury severity and progression in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability.

Therapy Collar for Forward Head Posture – Novel Intervention for Chronic Neck Pain in Military Personnel - APTA CSM 2024

Smith m, Abboud Chalhoub c, Hogaboom n, Dellanno r, St Laurent m, Yuan x, Nordstrom m

Abstract accepted for a platform presentation at the 2024 American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting

Chronic neck pain is a common health condition for military personnel across all occupational specialties. A recent (2023) systematic review highlighted the need for higher level evidence regarding the efficacy of conservative interventions for musculoskeletal pain conditions in this population. The etiology of neck pain is often multi-factorial and can include mechanical (e.g., poor posture), occupational (e.g., desk work, manual labor), and psychosocial factors (e.g., anxiety, depression). The reduction of cervical lordosis in forward head posture (FHP) can lead to muscular imbalances, degenerative spinal changes, and heightened neck pain. The efficacy of a FHP therapy collar is being explored within the military population with chronic neck pain in an ongoing randomized waitlist-controlled trial at a military medical center.

Evaluating the treatment effect of a simple, non-invasive, wearable device for neck pain is highly relevant to the military considering the unique occupational and fitness requirements. Recent studies have suggested that current treatment strategies may be less effective within this population. This participant demonstrated improved posture, neck pain reduction and improved function after wearing the FHP therapy collar for 6 weeks in comparison to 6 weeks of no collar use. This ongoing trial will shed further light on the potential utility of this novel device in reducing neck pain due to FHP, and thereby improve functional outcomes and operational readiness.

Vitamin K3 (menadione) acts as a photosensitizer with antimicrobial blue light (aBL) to kill drug-resistant bacteria in biofilms, including a porcine skin explant wound model — MHSRS 2023

Negri LB, Fairnelli WA, Korupolu S, Tam J, Gelfand J

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Bacterial biofilm infections play a critical role in wound pathogenesis, enabling bacteria to defend themselves against both antibiotics and host defenses. They enhance persistence of infection, permitting spread of infection, delay of healing, and the development of antimicrobial resistance, all potentially contributing to sepsis and death from wounds. Antibiotic drugs are 10- to- 1,000-fold less effective against bacterial biofilm cultures than standard mean inhibitory concentration (MIC) reports indicate. We are developing ways to bring antimicrobial blue light (aBL) into patient care, specifically for treating wounds, with a special focus on the potential for this mode of therapy to overcome antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in biofilms. Antimicrobial blue light (herein 405nm) involves photochemical reactions with endogenous chromophores in bacteria that result in the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are highly cytotoxic for bacteria. However, aBL penetrates tissue poorly, so this modality is best suited to the treatment of visible, light- accessible wounds. In this setting, aBL is a topical treatment to substantially reduce the bacterial bioburden, preventing more serious, penetrating infection. Thus, topically acting agents enhancing aBL would be useful. We have previously demonstrated that vitamin K 3/menadione could enhance aBL antimicrobial activity. A photosensitizer is a molecule that absorbs light and undergoes a photochemical reaction in which it typically donates an electron to a target substrate, generating reactive molecular species which, in turn, may have a biological effect. In this report, we have demonstrated that menadione acts as a therapeutic photosensitizer to kill bacteria upon illumination with aBL, elucidating some of the mechanisms, and additionally demonstrating this adjuvant effect in a porcine skin explant, ex vivo wound- biofilm model.

The Effect of Photobiomodulation on Sleep Architecture in Warfighters — USU Research Days 2023

Penafiel A, Metzger E, Hager N, Wagner L, Isaacson B, Pasquina P, Werner K

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 USU Research Days

The average sleep quality in the military is so poor that the cutoff in validated subjective sleep quality complaint measures is twice as high as that in civilians. More than two-thirds of the military report sleeping less than the recommended seven hours per night. This sleep restriction (SR) can lead to reduced reaction time, verbal fluency, working and visual memory, and information processing, all of which are key functions in the completion of military activities. SR can also lead to atrophy of hippocampal subregions and other long term neurobehavioral consequences. The current mechanisms to combat SR, including caffeine, psychostimulants, and exercise, have varying effectiveness and short-lived results; therefore, an intervention with long-lasting effects is needed. 

Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is a non-invasive intervention that applies non-ionizing light to the body to enhance performance, stimulate healing, moderate recovery, and improve health. Red/infrared PBMT (e.g. 600-900 nm) is known to be absorbed by cytochrome c oxidase within the mitochondria, facilitating electron transfer efficiency and doubling adenosine triphosphate production in cells. PBMT delivered via intranasal applicators, diode lasers, and/or light treatment helmet devices has been shown to penetrate the skin and skull, resulting in modulated brain activity. One study utilized electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the effects of transcranial PBMT (tPBMT) on neural oscillations. tPBMT modulated oscillatory frequencies for delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bands, as well as affected the power and functional connectivity of internal brain activity. Additionally, tPBMT using near infrared light has been shown to potentially improve cognitive function, attention, and executive function, supporting its use in neurological interventions. 

Two placebo-controlled studies have examined the effect of PBMT on sleep in athletes after dosing the whole body with multiple short exposures. One study using noncoherent red light with a wavelength of 685nm dosed at 30 J/cm2 was associated with improved subjective sleep quality, increased total sleep time, and decreased sleep onset latency. They also demonstrated the PBMT group had a significant increase in morning serum melatonin. Conversely, a separate study found that PBMT dosed at 14.4 J/cm2 with an irradiance of 0.012W/cm2 decreased total sleep time but increased the percentage of N2 and N3 sleep, while improving sleep quality. The mechanisms of efficacy remain unclear. While neither study examined objective measures of brain activity during wake or sleep, we hypothesize that brain exposure to PBMT will optimize energetics for the coordinated firing involved in the deepest "slow-wave" sleep, yielding increased power in the delta band and improved sleep quality. This abstract provides the methods and expected outcomes of our study that will explore the application of PBMT in a military sample to characterize the effects of this modality on sleep. 

Transcriptomics of Anterior Shoulder Instability: Differences in Gene Expression in the Blood of Patients with and without Significant Glenoid Bone Loss - SOMOS 2023

Galvin J, Rooney P, Tokish J, Grassbaugh J, Masini B, Free K, Bastian M, Gillette L, Colburn Z

Abstract accepted for platform presentation at the 2023 Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (SOMOS) Annual Meeting

Currently the measurement of serum or synovial biomarkers does not have a role in diagnosis or monitoring of injury severity in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the peripheral blood and tissue of young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability with and without significant glenoid bone loss (GBL). Additionally, we sought to determine a peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker for the reliable delineation of the severity of GBL in anterior shoulder instability patients.

There are significant gene expression differences in the peripheral blood of anterior shoulder instability patients with and without significant (≥10%) GBL. The differential expression of 5 genes allowed development of an accurate predictive model and transcriptomic classifier to predict the severity of GBL. This novel peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker may assist in tracking glenoid bone loss and injury severity and progression in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability.

Impact on Safety of Pre-operative Ultrasound for Carpal Tunnel Release: A Case Series - SOMOS 2023

Smith M, Yuan X, Smith J, deal b, Nanos G, Tintle S, Reece D, Miller M

Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2023 SOMOS Annual Meeting

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral entrapment neuropathy, impacting the health of the general population, as well as the performance and readiness of active duty service members (ADSMs) and military beneficiaries.1-2 CTS occurs when the median nerve (MN) is compressed beneath the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) within the carpal tunnel (CT). Within the general workforce, the incidence of CTS is between 1.5 and 3.5 per 1,000 person-years.3 According to Wolf et al., the raw incidence of CTS in the United States (U.S.) military is 3.98 per 1,000 person-years.4 CTS risk factors include female gender, increasing age, poor wrist posture, and occupations that involve repetitive movements, forceful grip, and exposure to vibration.3-5 Occupational risk factors are particularly relevant in the setting of the Military Health System (MHS), as different military occupational specialties may predispose ADSMs to CTS. Notably, CTS can impact operational readiness, prompting the need to improve diagnostic and treatment options for this common health condition, focusing on safety and efficiency to facilitate quicker return to duty. To this end, high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) has demonstrated utility in CTS diagnosis and may serve as a valuable tool to improve overall safety during CTS treatment.

CTS diagnosis and treatment are typically guided by patient complaints, physical examination, and electrodiagnostic studies (EDX). The 2012 American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM)’s evidence-based guideline on the use of neuromuscular ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of CTS concluded that US adds diagnostic value to EDX, focusing specifically on measuring the MN cross-sectional area (CSA) at the wrist as a diagnostic tool.6 Additionally, the guideline recommended that US be considered in screening for anatomic abnormalities. However, the 2016 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons’ clinical practice guidelines indicate limited evidence in support of routine US pre-operative exams, specifying a need for higher-level evidence regarding the utility of US, with a focus on establishing optimal measurement and cut-off values, in alignment with AANEM's guidelines for future research.7 More recently, studies have demonstrated that utilizing a cut-off CSA of 10-12 mm2 can differentiate between patients with normal versus abnormal EDX.8-9 However, Chen et al. demonstrated that US measurements were unable to differentiate levels of severity, indicating EDX remains a useful tool for grading CTS severity.9

CTR by endoscopic (ECTR) or mini-open (mOCTR) approach is the current standard of care (SOC) in the MHS for management of refractory CTS. CTR techniques have continued to evolve to further reduce post-operative symptoms and iatrogenic injury risk, while promoting quicker recovery and better functional outcomes. CTR using Ultrasound Guidance (CTR-US) is a promising treatment option for military beneficiaries with CTS, currently under rigorous study in a single-site pragmatic randomized controlled feasibility trial at a military medical center. Both ECTR and CTR-US involve smaller incisions and alternative means of visualization (i.e., endoscope or US). Although rare, intra-operative complications can occur during CTR secondary to anatomic variations. Multiple surgeons have emphasized the need for increased awareness of anatomic variations of the muscles, nerves, and vasculature within the CT region to promote procedural safety.15-17 Neurovascular injury can result in increased post-operative pain, persistent paresthesias, and/or excessive bleeding, all of which may contribute to an extended, complicated post-operative course, impacting return to work/duty and overall quality of life.

Key variations in neurovascular anatomy include a high bifurcation of the median nerve (approximately 6%), transligamentous thenar motor branch of the MN (TMB; <10%), multiple TMBs (<1% in patients with normal versus hypertrophic thenar musculature), ulnar course of the palmar cutaneous branch of the MN (PCBMN; <3%), persistent median artery (PMA; 1.2 – 23%), and superficial ulnar artery (UA; <10%).15-19 Prior studies have demonstrated that HFUS can be utilized to reliably identify these key variations that are at risk during CTR.10-14 Therefore, pre-operative US exams can identify anatomic variations and aid decision-making of the most appropriate CTR approach. This case series presents three participants in the feasibility trial of CTR-US who received pre-operative diagnostic US examinations, which detected distinct anatomic variants that were integral to subsequent treatment planning for CTR.

Transcriptomics of Anterior Shoulder Instability: Differences in Gene Expression in the Blood of Patients with and without Significant Glenoid Bone Loss - WSOA Annual Meeting 2023

Galvin J, Rooney P, Tokish J, Grassbaugh J, Masini B, Free K, Bastian M, Gillette L, Colburn Z

Abstract accepted for platform presentation at the 2023 Washington State Orthopaedic Association (WSOA) Annual Meeting

Currently the measurement of serum or synovial biomarkers does not have a role in diagnosis or monitoring of injury severity in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the peripheral blood and tissue of young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability with and without significant glenoid bone loss (GBL). Additionally, we sought to determine a peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker for the reliable delineation of the severity of GBL in anterior shoulder instability patients.

There are significant gene expression differences in the peripheral blood of anterior shoulder instability patients with and without significant (≥10%) GBL. The differential expression of 5 genes allowed development of an accurate predictive model and transcriptomic classifier to predict the severity of GBL. This novel peripheral blood transcriptomic biomarker may assist in tracking glenoid bone loss and injury severity and progression in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability.

Application of Three-Dimensional Knee Kinesiography to Identify Underlying Musculoskeletal Pathology in an Active-Duty Service Member: A Case Study — MHSRS 2023

wentz g, landry p, Reilly N, Gonnella M, Haltiwanger H, wilson v, goss d

Abstract accepted for a breakout session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Active-duty service members (ADSMs) are required to perform regular bouts of running and vigorous physical activity in accordance with the nature of their roles and responsibilities. As a result, ADSMs are at an inherently higher risk of sustaining a running-related injury compared to the general population. Prior research has identified numerous biomechanical parameters associated with an increased risk of injury, particularly regarding joint kinematics during gait. The gold standard for assessing joint kinematics of gait is three-dimensional motion capture. However, conducting three-dimensional motion capture analyses typically requires sophisticated laboratory equipment and a designated, open testing space. These conditions are often not feasible for a clinical environment, and thus populations that do not have ready access to biomechanics laboratory settings, including ADSMs. As a result, gait kinematics are often not considered when forming treatment and management plans for ADSMs following a running-related musculoskeletal injury. However, recent technological advances have strived to bring laboratory-grade motion capture technologies to clinical settings to reach patients that could benefit from the information and context that can be derived from these types of gait analyses. Therefore, the purpose of this case study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a portable, clinic-friendly three-dimensional motion capture system to supplement the treatment of and recovery from a running-related injury for an active-duty service member.

Transcriptomics of Anterior Shoulder Instability: Differences in Gene Expression in the Blood of Patients With and Without Significant Glenoid Bone Loss— MHSRS 2023

Galvin J, Rooney p, Egan a, tokish j, Grassbaugh j, Masini b, free k, bastian m, gillette l, colburn z

Abstracted accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Currently, the measurement of serum or synovial biomarkers does not have a role in diagnosis or monitoring of injury severity in young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability. The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the blood and tissue of young patients with anterior shoulder instability with and without significant glenoid bone loss (GBL). Additionally, we sought to identify a blood transcriptomic biomarker for the reliable delineation of the severity of GBL.

There are significant gene expression differences in the blood of anterior shoulder instability patients with and without significant (≥10%) GBL.

The differential expression of 5 genes allowed development of an accurate predictive model and transcriptomic biomarker to predict the severity of GBL.

This novel blood transcriptomic data may assist in tracking GBL and injury progression in patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability.

Gene Expression Analysis Reveals Differences in the Capsular Tissue of Patients with Anterior and Posterior Shoulder Instability— MHSRS 2023

Galvin J, Rooney p, Egan a, say f, Grassbaugh j, Masini b, free k, bastian m, gillette l, colburn z

Abstracted accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

The purpose of this study was to compare gene expression differences in the peripheral blood and capsular tissue of young patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability and those patients with unidirectional posterior shoulder instability.

There are significant gene expression differences in the shoulder capsule of anterior and posterior shoulder instability patients. This transcriptomic data may provide an improved understanding of the pathobiology of various forms of shoulder instability which could lead to future precision medicine approaches to prevent the development of early glenohumeral osteoarthritis.

Photobiomodulation Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis: A Single-blind Randomized Control Trial — MHSRS 2023

Cin H, Mincey C, Persinger J, Hager N, Yimyam C, Metzger E, Isaacson B, Wagner L, Pasquina P

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Physical activity limiting conditions are incompatible with maintaining a fit and ready fighting force and improving the health and wellness of those entrusted to our care. This study may produce new scientific knowledge about optimal dosing parameters of PBMT to best reduce pain and improve function for those who are limited by PF. This innovative therapy has the potential to promote a fit and ready fighting force by returning service members to duty quickly, reducing health care costs, and promoting operational readiness. The long-term goals of this research team include: 1) developing PBMT protocols for broad application to other painful and duty-limiting conditions, and 2) exploring the application of this portable device in forward-deployed environments.

Treatment With Near Infrared Light Prevents Muscular Fatigue After Intense Exercise in Mouse Models — MHSRS 2023

Cheema N, Nazarian A, Pham L, Ghag N, Fuchs C, Tam J, Anderson R

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Fatigue is defined by the reduction of a muscle’s strength and performance during exercise, and it is affected by different parts of the motor pathway controlling muscle contractions. Fatigue can occur in the central nervous system and affects neuronal signaling to the muscle whereas peripheral fatigue affects the site of neuromuscular junctions present on the muscle. Fatigue limits performance and unless allowed to recover, continuous activity will result in muscle dysfunction and musculoskeletal injuries that are commonly observed in military personnel. Light therapy has been shown to have several beneficial physiologic effects in a wide range of tissues. The musculoskeletal system can be irradiated with wavelengths in red and near infrared (NIR) regions which penetrate deep into the body. Application of NIR light is a noninvasive procedure and there is minimal heat generated by the light emitting diodes (LEDs), making it an appealing therapeutic strategy for muscle damage. Recent studies are suggesting that photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) can reduce pain, inflammation and enhance physical performance. However, the mechanism(s) of cellular responses by PBM in muscle is not clearly understood. There is no standardization in parameters for PBMT, with researchers and clinicians using a wide range of wavelengths, fluences, treatment duration/frequency, etc. in PBM applications. Therefore, the goal of this study is to improve our understanding of the mechanism(s) of action of PBM effects on the musculoskeletal system, ultimately to inform the choice of clinical treatment parameters. We investigate two wavelengths in NIR light, 980 nm and 810 nm, and their effect on fatigue induced in intense exercise in cells and mice.

MIRROR - Photobiomodulation Research Portfolio to Enhance Military Readiness — MHSRS 2023

Metzger E, Hager N, Wagner L, Isaacson B, Pasquina P

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

Noncombat, musculoskeletal injuries account for nearly 60% of warfighters’ limited duty days and 65% of warfighters on non-deployable status. Often the treatment and the rehabilitation modalities available for common musculoskeletal conditions have little impact on the progression of the condition. A safe, patient friendly, and effective modality that could advance the treatment of these conditions would be extremely impactful. Photobiomodulation (PBM) – (formerly known as low-power laser therapy or low-level laser therapy), involves applying non-ionizing forms of light from various sources including lasers, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and broadband light, in the visible and near infrared spectrum, in order to biologically modulate cellular activity to enhance healing. Current research reveals that PBM treatment can influence repair and regeneration of several tissue lines, stimulate metabolism, and most importantly for the injured warfighter - reduce inflammation and pain while recovering from injury. The PBM research portfolio is investigating the influence of this modality as it serves to enhance human performance, recovery, operational readiness, and warfighter quality of life with guided research efforts into the following areas of interest and aimed outcomes:

1. Musculoskeletal (MSK) injury: increased function and decreased pain for issues such as knee osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, tendinopathy, and bone stress injury.

2. Performance: improved maximum isometric voluntary contraction, sprint time, and countermovement jump measures.

3. Recovery: decreased inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers, and physical activity disability.

4. Self-reported behavioral health: decreased delayed-onset muscle soreness, perceived exertion, fatigue, and mental athletic energy used, and increased sense of wellbeing.

5. Sleep: increased sleep efficiency and self-reported quality of sleep.

6. Nerve: increased nerve strength post-reparative common peripheral nerve surgery and comparative use of analogous, commercially available, or manufactured sealing mechanisms.

7. Hearing: preventative protective treatment to noise exposure.

8. Wound: increased reduction in pathogens during the healing process.

A New Categorization System for Foot Type to Prevent and Treat Lower Extremity Injuries — MHSRS 2023

Bradley M, Yuan X

Abstract accepted for a poster session at the 2023 Military Health System Research Symposium

 This study demonstrates the influence of the APDACAP on the structure of the foot, particularly on talus positioning, for the first time in a large sample of humans and elucidates previously misunderstood concepts about pronation. We determined that the current, most widely used method for categorizing foot type (CIA) is not the most accurate for diagnostic screening. Instead, the investigators propose a new, more accurate categorization system for foot type, which includes the CIA’s three categories of low, medium, and high arch heights, and further stratifies to describe the wide spectrum of flexible and rigid foot types within each arch height category, by considering the degrees of APDACAP and TDA. Although the following still needs to be verified in a prospective trial, it is expected that the most often misdiagnosed/mistreated foot types are to be (1) low arch height yet rigid midfoot (i.e., low CIA & high APDACAP/TDA), (2) high arch height yet flexible midfoot (i.e., high CIA & low APDACAP/TDA), and (3) medium arch height with APDACAP/TDA values toward the outer extremes of the flexible/rigid continuums. The implications of the new categorization system will enable better awareness and care to prevent and treat lower extremity injuries.